Sunday, May 31, 2015

Helpful Kitchen Tips

I have listed all the helpful kitchen tips learnt from my mother, few shared from friends and some out of my experience. These tips helps you in saving time while cooking, leaving a hygienic and clean storage area in your refrigerator during regular use. All you need to do is spend few extra minutes before dumping vegetables & greens bought from markets. You can share your thoughts too by posting a comment.

How to store vegetables
  • To store curry leaves for a longer period, remove the leaves from the stem wash and keep in sun or under fan for the water to dry off. Store in a small container in fridge. While cooking you can use this directly, do not need to wash and this is off water.
  • Green Chili - Remove the stem, wash and store in a container before refrigerating. Chilies would be fresh for almost 2 - 3 weeks.
  • Avoid storing coriander leaves in a poly bag or as it is. Cut off part of stem along with root, wash remove excess water and then store in a box and refrigerate. All you need to do is chop when needed. If you prefer only leaves, while washing take only the leaves and then store them.
  • To avoid ginger from drying, you may make ginger paste or chop ginger and store in air tight container ready to be used.
  • Spinach is mostly seasonal, if you like cooking it. Don't worry you can store it for a week fresh before using. Chop off thick stems along with root. If you prefer to only leaves or cook leaves / small stems separately do the following:
    • Cut in small pieces that fit in the zipper lock or container if you prefer to store it as whole
    • Remove leaves and stem separately if you prefer this way. 
    • Wash the cleaned spinach, drain the excess water. 
    • Store in container or zipper bags. I personally store all stuffs in freezer safe containers or boxes based on the quantity.
    • Stems can be used as supporting ingredients while making vegetable stew or Dal. Will post a separate recipe about using spinach stems.
  • You may also refrigerate ready to cook cut and cleaned vegetables such as tapioca, green peas, carrot etc. for couple of days by storing in air tight containers. My mother usually cuts while watching television and store it to cook for upcoming days, this saves her time.

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